Thursday, August 12, 2010


OBAMA has proved that there is no difference between the Democrats and the Republicans, after all the biggest difference was the way each was spelled. The question of how many troops to send was changed from abandonment to adding 30,000 more troops if they can find that many that will act as pawns to the General staff. The question of when to get out of Afghanistan was answered by the military and that is NEVER, we are going to stay FOREVER but we don’t want to call it an occupation, after all the only time the military has left an area they have occupied was when they were kicked out by a government that was not getting enough kickback and became an embarrassment to the country. That is why we have over 700 military bases around the globe and 900 bases here in the USA, they won’t leave after they have established a beach head and we keep paying BIG bucks under the pretence that they are protecting us from whoever, when in fact they have never protected us. Nothing happens as a result of the installations. The question of whether the lives and mutilations was in vain, and the answer is yes just as they were in Viet Nam, Korea, and all the other skirmishes they have been involved in since WWII and that can be questioned. When the goals of the “wars” are determined to be unattainable they change the “goals” and start anew and the gullible public goes along with the mismanagement.
The war with Iran started a few years ago and will be implemented soon so get ready for the invasion. The first part of going to war is the propaganda that convinces the public we “need” to do this invasion. The government has proved time and time again that they are able to convince the public of the need to go to war. The military needs these skirmishes in order to stay in business, that is their business and they are good at it. The last iteration with Afghanistan and Iraq was more difficult to pull off. After the many small bombings, the Cole, Trade Center and other bombings was not enough to stir the “go to war” they used the flying commercial aircraft into the Trade Center and sending a missile into the pentagon was significant and the public was loud in its “need” to go to war, sending in an army to catch ONE man. But they really didn’t want to catch him because they would not have an enemy and the need to proceed would not be justified. Sufficient justification for invading Iraq was put forth and later proved to be lies, but we got Sadam and had the dissident Iraqis execute him, actually a case of murder.
So get ready for the invasion of Iran and maybe later when we have time and more pawns we will try again in Korea.
Our national interest has been to prop up the military industrial establishment, that Eisenhower warned us about and we never implemented that message.
Remember the security of the USA and the safety of the American people will never be secured by a military, especially one that is stationed half way around the world. When you consider the loss of the USA resources and how they could be better spent making improvements to the infrastructure or trying to correct the overspending and national debt, these “wars” are ridiculous.
The latest screw-up by the TSA is to let an armature try and set off a small explosive on a plane headed for Detroit. The knee jerk reaction is to buy full body scanners and look thru everyone’s clothes. With probably a thousand different ways to get explosives on board, each time an armature tries to explode an explosive device the TSA spends a few billion and the “terrorist” only spends $100 and a plane ticket, who wins? The way to get around the body scanners is to wear a skin like patch, such as pig skin over the explosive device and the scanner thinks it is part of the person’s skin. These armature terrorist just have to try these things to keep the USA fearful of the attack. They are TERRORIST, not an army invading the homeland, just enough to remind the public we should get out of the Middle East and we wouldn’t have these problems but the propaganda from the USA is that they want to kill us, with WHAT???.. the effort in the Middle East is fighting tribesmen, “foot soldiers” that want us out of their area and does not want western influence in their country, so how are they going to kill us?? They have yet to use the horse as a means of transportation.(very advanced) and we are stepping up the effort with 100 ton vehicles that are “designed” to withstand the IED the most troublesome weapon developed by these tribal foot soldiers!!
The TSA has been in business for close to 10 years and has yet to find any person that would try and blow up an airplane, a complete loss and the humiliation of the public to be put thru the exercises of the search! Once the bureaucracy has been put in place the terrorist then proceed to a new attack which is easy to do with the inept ability of the government, but the new bureaucracy is now sacred and well entrenched in American aviation.
Occasionally I have to update this writing because of new developments that demonstrate our incompetence in handling foreign affairs.

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